Shabbos House LA is open to all Jews, at no charge, reservations are not required. We operate every Shabbos Friday night dinner is approximately one hour after candle lighting. On Shabbos day we make Kiddush lunch at 1:30pm.
Shabbos House LA is operated from the home of Avi and Miquela Climo, who live in the Pico-Roberson neighborhood of West Lost Angeles. In response to the times they opened their home to all Jews seeking a kosher meal and a connection to Yidishkiet.
Los Angeles is one of the largest and most diverse Jewish communities in the United States. It's also home to one of the largest Lubavitcher communities in the world. Shabbos House LA founded on Chabad-Lubavitch values provides a safe space for all Jews to gather, eat kosher food and learn Torah and Chassidus. Many of our guest have had limited Jewish eduction, these meals and gatherings provide an opportunity to learn, understand and love what it means to be a Jew.
We are encouraged by our leader The Lubavitcher Rebbe who stated every Jew is a Shaliach of HasShem and it is each Jew's responsibility to bring the coming of Moschiach. The third and final Bais Hamikdash will be built on acts of kindness mostly the act of giving tzadaka. Bringing Jews closer to Yiddishkeit brings us closer to the coming of Moschiach.

Bais YY 770 or Bais Yaakov Yoseph was named in honor of Avi's late father Dr. Yaakov Yoseph Climo, OBM. He was named after his Zaidy, who in 1890 fled the Russian Czars Army to seek a better life in America. His father a Chassid, Shneur Zalman, named his son in honor of Rav Yaakov Yoseph of Polnoye, the very special pupil of the Bal Shem Tov (Founder of Chassidus). He was known for his abundant chesed despite his modest means and is credited with recording a majority of The Bal Shem Tov's stories.

Avi's Zaidy Solmon Levi (left to right) his father's Bubbie (Fraida Aliza) his great aunt Chana, Father's Zadie Yaakov Yoseph (far right) back row great uncle Shmuel and great uncle Chaim Yonatan. His Zaidy and Bubbie were pioneers in the Cleveland Jewish community often having large Shabbos meals with both religious and non observant Jews. They believed every Jew will come to love Shabbos as much as they did. Our tradition continues…

Dr. Yaakov Yoseph Climo (Avi's late father) obm was a Torah teacher and academic scholar. He was born December, 29 1945 and past from this world April 22, 2003.
The Ohel of Rav Yaakov Yoseph HaCohen of Polnoye OMB 1705-1781, the resting place is located in Polonnoye Cemetery Ukraine.